Research & Technology

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Research and Technology (RnT) remains the DNA of how great solutions are built at AML. In a fast-moving world, business and engineering need to move fast to meet the needs of the various sectors they serve. As such, AML views itself as a technology company integrating solutions into the production supply chains and maintaining a significant presence in RnT provides the vehicle to delivering this. AML views the participation in Research and Technology projects as important for the following reasons:


  • It keeps us abreast of the latest technology being studied which allows us to consider its use in a Commercial environment.
  • It develops the knowledge and skills of AML which in turn can be used for our customers.
  • It develops the skills of our engineers in parallel ensuring they are applying the latest technology into our production operations.
  • With this in mind, AML takes investment in RnT very seriously adding further value to our customers.

      Research and Technology (RnT) remains the DNA of how great solutions are built at AML.


      AML continues to invest in Research and Technology.  We have been part of many projects from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020, Innovate UK Projects and the EU’s previous Seventh Framework Program (FP7). We are excited to continue strong working relationships with Innovate UK, the strong Catapult Network and to continue to engage in the next generation of EU research frameworks. All projects are based on collaborative research and typically run for 2-4 years. Some of our recent and current projects include:

      LightME “open Innovation Ecosystem”                                          H2020

      NOSEY “Internet of Parts 4.0 Aerospace Visibility”                       H2020

      ARMADA “AI for Machining Design”                                                Innovate UK

      AXIS “Automotive Excellence in Aerospace”                                  Innovate UK

      SUSTAIN “Secure Supply Through Innovation”                             Innovate UK

      SmartCal                                                                                              Natep