AML is proud to have been accredited with both Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus which shows we have implemented the required steps to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our stored data that is connected to the internet. The Cyber Essentials Plus is an expansion of the Cyber Essentials Verified Self-Assessment which includes an audit of the organisations IT systems.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is helping businesses become cyber secure through its Cyber Essentials certification scheme. Cyber Essentials is a set of baseline technical controls produced by the UK Government and security industry to help organisations – large and small – improve their cyber security defences and demonstrate a public commitment to their network security and the standards to which they operate. Fundamentally, the scheme addresses the most common internet-based attacks that use widely available tools and that need very little skill for the attacker to use.

How AML supports the Defence and Nuclear sectors in the UK

AML recognises the importance of information technology security as we partner both the Defence and Nuclear sectors within the UK and abroad. Defence continues to require great partnerships between the public and private space to deliver the solutions required of tomorrow. Machining of complex components remains a key capability to build and power the next generation of air, marine and land-based systems. This not only requires high level engineering capabilities focusing on materials, manufacturing techniques, and delivering high quality components; but establishing partnerships that can work within the requirements of the defence supply chain. AML is proud to have developed this level of interaction with customer partners and has continued to invest in its staff and internal systems to meet the requirements of this key sector.

AML continues to achieve ground-breaking results in the research and development of pioneering nuclear efficient technology, continually improving its machining capabilities to meet these challenges. We are currently utilising these capabilities in two exciting spaces for the industry: Supporting Existing Fission Applications and the development of Nuclear Fusion Technology.

Nuclear Fusion will have a beneficial impact on our planet by liberating vast amounts of energy without generating high levels of carbon emissions and will be an undoubted boost in the battle against climate change. AML continues to be an important partner for existing and emerging Nuclear Fission for applications such as submarines and small modular reactors.

We are committed to working as a trusted partner with our customers in both the Defence and Nuclear sectors to deliver innovative high performance precision machining solutions.